So I’m starting this. A new endeavor in the blogosphere.
Here are the rules.
1. Write one hundred words.
2. Exactly.
3. For one hundred days.
4. Exactly.
5. About anything. Everything. Life.
6. Do not break these rules.
Why the heck?
1. Because I tend to write these long blathering blog posts
that I never finish and consequently never publish. They overwhelm me and
stress me out and I never get to say what I actually want to say, because
saying it would take me four hours of work that I simply do not have. This is
stupid and unproductive and it’s ending as of now.
2. Because I have been writing the same types of posts on
the same blogging platform for over a year and a half now, and I’m tired of it.
Inspiration has been dead. I need a new venue for putting out material. And
with only 100 words…it’ll be hard work to write about, like, my toothbrush.
3. Because there is a severe lack of structure in my writing
life right now. You know how writers are supposed to write something every day?
Yeah. Not happening.
4. Because I am really bad at challenging myself as a
writer, in the sense that I like to write whatever the heck I want and be
dramatic and exuberant and poetic and semi-ridiculous without ever restraining
my passionate enthusiasm. Sometimes you need to be succinct. And sensical. And
brief. And clear. And all the more poignant as a result. So. I intend to
practice this.
5. Because I want an excuse to create a lovely and
minimalistic blog.
6. Because you all need another enriching blog in your
lives. Plus it’ll be updated every! day!
7. Because I want to? And it sounds fun, kind of? Yep.
So, hooray! Follow me on this 100-day-long adventure which will consist mostly of nonsense, anxiety, screaming, groaning, making things up, scribbling all over my homework, spilling tea on the keyboard, crying, and maybe, hopefully, occasionally, writing flashes of brilliance.
(Writing is hard. So let's make it even harder! Woohoo!)
100 days. 100 words a day. Exactly. No more, no less. Aaaaaaaaaand ON Y VA.
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